Basketball is postponed while the gym is being renovated.


We Welcome You! 

We're glad that you are considering a Sunday morning visit to CrossView Church; we hope your experience will be a blessing and one that you will want to repeat!  

Here is a general Sunday timeline: 


10:00 a.m. ~ WORSHIP SERVICE

A member from our Greeters Ministry will welcome you when you enter our front doors and assist you if you need information or direction to our age-appropriate nurseries. Be sure to pick up a bulletin on your way to the sanctuary. Bulletins are located on the shelf by the TV monitor in the foyer.  If you arrive early, please enjoy complimentary coffee, tea, or hot chocolate at our CVC Cafe. 

cvc cafecvc cafe2

The Church Service 

We encourage you to bring your own Bible but if you didn't, Bibles in the chairs are available for your use.

We don’t always follow the same order, but you can expect the service to look something like the following: 

  • Our worship team will open the service with praise songs or hymns which are projected on a screen at the front of the sanctuary in easy–to-read font. 
  • An elder or pastor will give the announcements and pray for the service and offering. (An offering box is located on the table outside of the sanctuary.) As our guest, do not feel obligated to contribute. 
  • You'll have an opportunity to greet those sitting near you. Feel free to wave or just smile and say, "hello." 
  • Sometimes, we may have a member give their testimony. Sometimes, a missionary or ministry leader will give an update. Occasionally, we'll have special music or the CVC children will sing.
  • Children who want to attend Children's Church or the Jr. High Ignite group will be dismissed after the worship singing and prayer.
  • Then the message will be given. 
  • Afterward, we’ll sing another song and Pastor will give a blessing before we are dismissed.
  • Please be sure to fill out a Welcome Card located in the chairs and place in the offering box. We'd like to get to know you.

Our communion service is held the first Sunday of every month after the message is given. We invite all who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to participate. 

(Single use, disposable communion cups may be picked up from a Service Assistant or on the café counter.) 

After the Service 

After the service, people often linger to chat or pray together. Enjoy complimentary coffee, tea, or hot chocolate at our CVC Cafe. Pastor James is available in the foyer. Feel free to introduce yourself or ask any questions you may have.  Now’s also the time to gather your children from the nursery. If you would like to learn more about CVC, please call the church office.

