Welcome to our online news page. Much of this information can be found in the weekly Thursday email. If you'd like to receive this weekly newsletter, please email the church office at
9:00 a.m. ~ ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL ~ Meeting Room 1
9:30 – 9:45 a.m. ~ Meeting Room 2
Prayer Circle ~ Facilitator: Dave Culbertson
Join with others for a time of prayer focusing on the ministry of CVC.
10:00 a.m. ~ WORSHIP SERVICE
This coming Sunday, September 22, Pastor James will continue his sermon series in the book of Ephesians titled, All Things United in Christ. His sermon for this Sunday is titled: “Armor of the Battle.” He will focus on Ephesians 6:13-17.
Series Overview: In this series, we will see the cosmic scope and extent of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the center of God’s eternal plan for the entire world, including all humanity. All who are in him are blessed with the riches of God’s grace and the power to live a life that is worthy of the eternal calling. Jesus Christ is supreme over all the powers and authorities of earth and all who are saved are united to him – this is all the praise of his glorious grace!
9:45 – 11:15 a.m. ~ Rooms S1, S2, S3
Nursery (infants – age 4)10:20 a.m.
CHILDREN’S CHURCH (4 years - 5th grade) ~ Gym Children will be dismissed from the Worship Service to Children’s Church after the worship singing.
CVC has implemented a children’s digital check-in system on both Sunday morning and Wednesday night for AWANA. When parents arrive, they should go to the Welcome Center in the foyer and check their child/ren in there. After obtaining a name tag and security label, parents may bring children to the designated areas.
Children’s Church will worship with their parents in the sanctuary and be dismissed prior to the message. They will then meet their teacher at the back of the sanctuary and walk down the hallway to the gym.
CVC Café
Enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate from our CVC Café. Church bulletins are located on the shelf behind the Welcome Center in the foyer. You may pick one up on your way into the sanctuary.
Sermon Video
For those who are unable to join us in person, you may view this message (Lord Willing) on Sunday afternoon on our Vimeo Page. Also, the video of the sermon will be posted on Monday to our website.
Scripture Memorization
Each month we encourage our CVC family to memorize a scripture passage. Let's commit Jeremiah 31:33-34 to memory this month! Join us in hiding God's Word in our hearts.
33 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”
Friday, September 27. 4:30 - 6 p.m.
CVC's Bread of Life Drive-Thru Food Pantry provides nutritious food to our neighbors in need of assistance. Food is distributed at no charge on a ‘first come, first served’ basis drive-thru style in our parking lot. Please spread the information about this ministry to your family, friends, and co-workers in need! Contact Joan at 224-522-9338 if you have any questions.
John 6:35 says: Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”
The Bread of Life Ministry is in need of more plastic grocery bags. A box is in the coat room by the front entrance to place donations.
Sunday, September 29 ~ after the worship service
All volunteers and leaders for Fuel and Children’s Church are encouraged to attend this informative meeting in the gym. Lunch will be served and together we will also learn to play pickleball! Be sure to wear or bring your sneakers! Any questions, please contact Kyle Pratt at
The Bread of Life Food Pantry Ministry is looking for 3 or 4 individuals to help distribute food to those in need. The Food Pantry is on the 2nd Saturday of the month and on the 4th Friday of the month. We are in need of some people to substitute to help at various times. You could pick the time that works best for you. 1) Friday afternoon set up 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. 2) Friday from 4:00 to 6:00pm during the pantry to load grocery carts or Saturday morning from 8:00am to set up for the Saturday morning pantry which is from 9:00-11:00 a.m. Please see Joan Nelson after church or call her at 224-522-9338 for more information.
Saturday, October 12 ~ 5:00-8:00 p.m.
CVC MEN: Come join in around the bonfire at Karl Jennrich’s home. There will be a chili dinner followed by worship, prayer, a short devotional, and discussion. Food and light beverages provided. Bring your own chair! Please sign up at the Welcome Center in the foyer. Questions? Please see Karl or Kyle Pratt.
CVC’s Fuel Youth Group is looking for 2 couches (not sleeper sofas) to use in the Annex building. If you are looking to downsize and want to donate your couch, please contact Kyle Pratt at
40413 N. Delany Road, Wadsworth, IL
Saturday, September 21 ~ 2:00-4:00 p.m.
The Women’s Ministry Team at Cornerstone Community Church is trying their hand at a small Craft Fair, and they would love for their CVC friends to stop by! Approximately 20 vendors with a variety of hand-made craft items for sale! They will also have a Bake Sale with many delicious items!
Do you enjoy meeting and welcoming parents and children? We are looking for volunteers to help serve at our check-in desk. Opportunities are available for both Sunday morning worship and Wednesday during Awana. Interested volunteers will be trained on the digital check-in system. If you are interested in learning more, see Shelley Goscha or Cozette Wychers.
If you are looking for a fun way to get involved at CVC, then consider signing up to serve at the CVC Café on Sunday! Servers are needed on a rotating basis before and after the worship service to set up, serve coffee and snacks, and clean up. A sign up sheet is on the Café counter. Any questions, please speak with Tina Calacci (or email
The mission of the Meals Ministry is to provide complete meals for those who attend CrossView Church who are in crisis or transition due to surgery, illness, accident, birth or bereavement. Those willing to prepare and deliver meals to the family in need provide these meals at no cost to the church. The goal is to meet the family’s needs for meals while connecting them with others from our church during their time of transition or crisis. If you have questions or would like to sign up to be on the list to prepare a meal for a family in need (on a rotating basis), please contact the church office.
A lost and found bin is located in the foyer coat room. Please check here for any lost items (i.e. Bibles, coffee mugs, hats, gloves, scarves, etc.) Items not picked up within 6-8 weeks may be donated to a local charity
On the first Sunday of each month CVC receives (non-budgeted) gifts that assist in meeting emergency and short term needs of our members. Per IRS rulings, these donations are only tax deductible if CrossView Church issues a receipt at year end. CVC can only receipt that for which we have records. Therefore, if you want a receipt and intend to donate cash, please use an offering envelope. Please indicate your name and the amount in the box marked ‘Benevolence’ and place in offering box on the table outside of the sanctuary. Thank you!
Thank you to all who support CVC with your tithes and offerings. As a reminder, tithes and offerings can be made in three ways that will provide a record of your charitable donations if you itemize them on your IRS tax return: (1) the traditional way of putting a check or cash into an envelope, which you drop into the offering box in the foyer (2) set up a monthly automated bank transfer from your account to the church bank account or (3) use PayPal. The first two options have no cost associated with them. The PayPal option has a “convenience fee” charged to CVC of 3 - 4%, depending on the amount of the donation. CVC is happy to receive your donation by any of the above methods, but we do want to make you aware of the small cost to CVC associated with a PayPal donation. If you would like the convenience of the automated bank transfer without a cost, please contact the church office.
The tellers greatly appreciate your use of the offering envelopes when making your tithes and offerings. Please use them every time and legibly print on the donor line your first and last name, suffix (e.g. Sr, Jr, II), and the check number. Also, enter the amounts into the allocation boxes. Doing these things will greatly help the Financial Secretary maintain more accurate records and speed the counting process. Offering envelopes are available at the Welcome Center in the foyer and by the Offering Box on the table outside of the sanctuary. Thank you!
Prayer requests that come into the church office are, upon approval, released to a group of faithful servants via e-mail.This group of individuals is committed to praying for the requests on a daily basis which range from health concerns, relationships, spiritual issues, financial concerns, etc. for attenders & families, and their broader network (relatives, neighbors, co-workers, etc.) Currently there are 50 members of the CVC E-Prayer Chain. If you would like to be a part of this network of prayer warriors, please contact the church office.
See our EVENT tab for other current events.
"Your word is very pure, Therefore Your servant loves it.”
The 19th Century Scottish minister, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, (sometimes spelled McCheyne) who lived from 1813-1843, prepared a plan for Bible reading to take readers through the New Testament and Psalms twice a year, and through the rest of the Bible once each year. There are approximately four chapters per day in this plan.
Check us out on Social Media:
Stay connected and join the CVC Face Book groups formed to facilitate fellowship and support for active and regular attendees of CrossView Church. To join go to the private ‘CrossView Church Members and Attendees’ page on Face Book and click ‘Join’. You will be asked to agree to the guidelines before your request to join is accepted. Be sure to invite your CVC friends to join too!
Additional CVC Facebook groups are:
- AWANA at CVC Facebook page with contests, lessons, and videos by the Awana leaders that your kids (and adults) will love!
- CVC Kids Facebook page ‘bringing us all together in spirit and purpose, even when we are apart”. Moms and dads are encouraged to take part as short video lessons with a focus on different people from God’s Word are shared. A new video is uploaded at least once a week with a live event later where it is discussed how to apply what is learned.
- FUEL Encouraging videos and meeting reminders and special events.
- CVC Beyond
We are also on X, Instagram, and Vimeo @CVCAntioch.