August 13, 2023

The Amazing Body

Speaker: Pastor James Wychers Series: The Embodied Soul Topic: The Body Scripture: Genesis 2:5–9

The Amazing Body_web

We’re starting something new this morning. A short series called The Embodied Soul: The Importance of the Body in the Age of Revolution.

We’re going to speak into the culture. Sometimes we do this more directly. We always do it less directly because the gospel always speaks to the culture.

The Truth always speaks to that which is false.

There has been a cultural revolution that has happened in our lifetimes. In the last fifty years, things in our culture have changed a lot. Many things in our culture just seem crazy to us and we wonder: how did we get here?

In part, there is a crisis of anthropology. Anthropology is understanding ourselves, and in our bodies and what are the purposes and what about these things for us. There’s a crisis that undergirds this revolution.

This series will engage these revolutionary ideas, especially in the area of anthropology. I want to make a disclaimer any time I speak directly to the culture, understand I am not here to curse the culture. I’m not here to curse anyone in the culture. And if this series causes you to feel superior, or to have hateful thoughts toward anyone or be dismissive of others, you have missed the point entirely, and I will add you have sinfully missed the point if you walk out of here with those kinds of thoughts.

This will not be a bashfest of the wokeness of the cultural warriors. The Word of God does critique false ideas. We see it all the time.

I will speak the Word of God as I am able to do that but I will do so with love and grace as one who in the way Jesus came in John 1:14. It says He is full of grace and truth.

That’s what we want to be—full of grace and truth. We want to be that in our world.

I want us all to see where bad ideas have crept into our own thinking. And I want us to know better how to minister to people who are imprisoned and lost in these ideas. To minister with love and grace and with the truth of the Word of God.

This is what we’re doing over the next three weeks.

We start today talking about our physical bodies. The flesh and bones we live with daily. Do you know there is such a thing as the theology of the body?

That’s what anthropology is—it’s what God says in this theology about the body. God speaks to these very things. This morning we’ll see that our bodies are not to be denigrated because they are created by God for good and glorious purposes. Our bodies are intrinsically good though they have been profoundly affected by the brokenness of sin and by the brokenness of our fallen world. We deal with the pain of this in physical ways and emotional ways, but as we often do we will go back to the foundations. We will see the process and the purpose of God and be challenged to live in the goodness of God’s creation.



Click the links above to hear the entire sermon.

other sermons in this series

Aug 20


The Body in Modern Culture

Speaker: Pastor James Wychers Scripture: Romans 1:18–25, Psalm 139:13–16, 1 Corinthians 6:15–18, Romans 1:26–27 Series: The Embodied Soul