He Delivered Them from Their Distress
Speaker: Pastor James Wychers Series: Thanksgiving in the Psalms Topic: A Psalm for Giving Thanks Scripture: Psalm 107
This sermon focuses on Psalm 107 and explores what Pastor James considers one of the most important concepts in the Bible: God's steadfast love (chesed in Hebrew).
His three main points are:
- The Goodness of God's Love
The sermon explains that the Hebrew word "chesed" appears 246 times in the Old Testament, with half of those occurrences in the Psalms. This steadfast love is described as a fundamental characteristic of God - it is faithful, persistent, and shows God's loyal determination to do good to His people even when they don't deserve it. It's presented as the source of God's other attributes like mercy, grace, and forgiveness.
- The Acts of God's Love
The psalm presents four examples of God's deliverance:
- The lost who wander and are brought to safety
- The imprisoned who are freed from darkness
- The sick who are healed from affliction
- The endangered who are saved from storms at sea
In each case, two refrains appear: first, people cry out to God in trouble, and He delivers them; second, they are called to thank God for His steadfast love.
- The Power of God's Love
Pastor James explains to us how God's love is actively engaged in both nature and human affairs. He discusses how God controls weather, crops, and even the rise and fall of human leaders.
The message concludes by connecting this Old Testament concept to New Testament theology, particularly through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the ultimate expression of God's steadfast love. Pastor James explains that love isn't just a moral principle, but is embodied in the person of Jesus Christ. He emphasizes that this love forms the basis of believers' identity and is best experienced in community with other believers.
Pastor James concludes with an encouragement to recognize our desperate need for God and to be thankful for His steadfast love, rather than seeking to establish our identity through our own efforts or achievements.
other sermons in this series
Nov 17
I Will Give Thanks Forever
Speaker: Pastor James Wychers Scripture: Psalm 30 Series: Thanksgiving in the Psalms
Nov 10
I Will Give Thanks with My Whole Heart
Speaker: Pastor James Wychers Scripture: Psalm 9 Series: Thanksgiving in the Psalms