The Tempestuous Voyage
April 23, 2023 Speaker: Pastor James Wychers Series: The Rise and Witness of the Church
Topic: The Book of Acts Passage: Acts 27:1–20
Have you ever experienced a sense of hopelessness? What did that feel like to you? How did you find your way out? Where did you look?
To review, we have known for several chapters that Paul would set out for Rome and end up in Rome. The journey begins here in chapter 27.
Paul’s journey would not be smooth sailing. Like everything else in Paul and working out this gospel mission, it’s rough, painful, and difficult. Everything we have seen has been that way.
We find this morning that not even the frightful power of the sea had the ability to thwart the mission of Jesus. The destructive power of the sea will actually enhance the mission.
This interesting, amazing, vividly told story will help us understand our own need for salvation.
We will recount the story, provide a few insights and we will seek to understand how it fits into the book of Acts and how it challenges us now in our spiritual journey. And how we can find hope in the midst of the storm.
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And So We Came to Rome