Visions of Gentile Ministry

January 30, 2022 Speaker: Pastor James Wychers Series: The Rise and Witness of the Church

Topic: Ministry Passage: Acts 10:1–16

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Today we come to a major juncture in our story. Would the gospel and the church really go to the end of the earth? Or would Christianity merely be a subset of Judaism for the Jews? Would it just be another type of Jewish religion? If it would be Jewish church only, then it wouldn’t go to the end of the earth. It would be confined.  

These are easy questions for us. We have 2000 years of history and biblical study; it’s easy for us to understand. Put yourself in the shoes of a first century Christian. There was still an impassible religious gulf between Jews and Gentiles. Even Christian Jews and gentiles.  

The message today is that the gospel is Good News for all kinds of people who trust in the work of Jesus Christ.  It’s Good News for all kinds of people 

Chapter 10 is a decisive turning point in the history of salvation. God’s plan for the full inclusion of gentiles through the gospel of Jesus Christ is revealed in Acts 10. 

God was working out his plan and things were changing. The way Jewish believers needed to understand this required an upgrade in their understanding of God’s plan and the way it was working out. In this upgrade, we see the grace of God for all people. We have been the recipients of this grace.  


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