Sermons from Genesis
Back to Sermon ArchiveAugust 13, 2023
The Amazing Body
Speaker: Pastor James Wychers Series: The Embodied Soul Topic: The Body Passage: Genesis 2:5–9
June 4, 2023
Pride - The Root of the Roots of Sin
Speaker: Pastor James Wychers Series: Slaying the Dragon: The Roots and Remedies of Sin Topic: Pride Passage: Genesis 3:1–7
January 8, 2023
Created with Purpose
Speaker: Pastor James Wychers Series: Witnesses to the Good News Topic: Purpose, Created Passage: Genesis 1:26–31
August 21, 2022
The Self-hood Revolution
Speaker: Pastor James Wychers Series: Making Sense of Our New World Topic: Biblical Wordview Passage: Genesis 1:26–28
October 25, 2020
The Gospel, the Church, and Race
Speaker: Pastor James Wychers Series: Living Well in a Year of Trouble Topic: Pandemic Passage: Genesis 1:26–28
September 24, 2017
Evidence for Adam and Eve
Series: Guest Speakers Passage: 2 Thessalonians 2:9–12, Genesis 3:5, Genesis 3:1–24