Take your next steps at CVC!
Welcome to your journey at CrossView Church! We believe that growing in faith happens best when we're connected with others. Here are meaningful ways to deepen your involvement in our church family.
Dive deeper into God's Word through our various study opportunities:
- Weekly Life Groups: Meet at church or in homes throughout the week for fellowship, prayer, and Bible study. Our groups are organized by life stage, location, and meeting times to fit your schedule.
- Sunday Morning Sunday School: Join us before service for focused biblical teaching and discussion.
- Women's Bible Study: Gather with other women every Monday evening or Tuesday morning for in-depth Scripture study and faithful community.
- Men's Fellowship: Connect with other men during our weekly breakfast meetings and Bible studies on Wednesday and Saturday mornings.
- CrossView Beyond: CrossView Beyond is CVC’s new College & Career ministry for younger adults from 18 to 30 years old and beyond.
Your gifts and talents can make a difference! Current volunteer opportunities include:
- Welcome Team: Help create a warm, inviting atmosphere for weekend services
- Sunday Morning Café team: Servers are needed on a rotating basis before and after the worship service to set up, serve coffee and snacks, and clean up
- Music & Tech Team: Support worship through your musical and technical abilities
- Photography Team: Take photos at CVC Events
- Outreach Programs: Serve our local community through our food pantry and outreach ministry
- Care Ministry: Support church members during challenging times through meals, transportation, or prayer
Ready to publicly declare your belief and trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? We provide baptism classes to help you understand this important step. Baptisms take place at Promised Land Park in Trevor, WI in their ‘crystal clear spring water’ pond. Our next baptism date will be in August with preparation classes prior to baptism.
Become an official part of the CVC family! Our membership process includes:
- Discover CVC Class: Learn about our church's history, vision, and beliefs. Understand the commitments and privileges of church membership
- Personal Meeting: Connect with church leadership to share your faith journey
- Welcome Ceremony: Official welcome into church membership during Sunday service
Contact Pastor James or Pastor Mike or introduce yourself to either pastor after church on Sunday mornings.
Email the church office: info@crossviewonline.org
Phone the church office: (847) 395-4117
Visit: Our Welcome Center in the church lobby after any Sunday service and pick up a Welcome pack to learn more about CVC.
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." - Hebrews 10:24-25