How should I respond to someone who is seeking the Lord?

Let's first take a look at different methods churches, pastors, and individuals might take:


Many churches are silent about teaching the Word. They don’t give a clear message about salvation. Therefore, many people are deceived about their salvation by believing they are saved simply because they attend church.


This is the teaching that sacraments wash away sins. Sacramentalism is an invention of the Catholic church but the Catholic church is not the only denomination or organization that endorses that certain acts of man will absolve you of your sins.

We come to Christ “just as I am without one plea.”


Many churches teach submission. They teach that you need to just submit to Christ and the gospel and you can be saved.

The truth is that submission comes after regeneration.


And some churches and pastors are unclear themselves. If someone said to them,
“I intellectually understand that if I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ then I will be saved but I don’t have any desire. I’d like to go to heaven. I’d like to have a relationship with God but I don’t have an inclination to that.”

They would shrug their shoulders. And many of us just SHRUG. We don’t know what to say. (SHRUG.)

All four of the above are poor responses to someone who is seeking the Lord.

The proper response is:


If a person is convicted that they are a sinner but have no inclination to come to Christ, my advice is to seek the Lord. Do whatever is in your flesh to seek and stop sinning. A person in the flesh can quit drinking. Lots of atheists quit drinking without even believing in the Lord. So, take advantage of the means of grace God has provided.

Seek the Lord in prayer. Say to Him, “I don’t have any inclination to trust you but I’m asking you to reveal yourself to me.”

If you continue to have no inclination to seek, still come to the church.

If you make mousetraps, make the best mousetraps you can, and do whatever you can in your own ability to sin less, and seek out God’s means of grace—attend church, listen to the Word, read the Word, pray. If you do that, it is more likely you will find Him.

Even if it takes twenty years.

I hope this helps.

Pastor David Lovi